Common deadly mistakes by Job Hunters

1: Relying too much on the Internet Of course it’s a wonderful tool. But using the Internet is not the same as looking for work. In fact, for quite a few people, using the Internet is a good way to hide from looking for work. If that seems too direct, ask yourself: How many people…

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Teach Your Hiring Manager to Sell

Sometimes good candidates are won or lost in the interview. I started wondering why good candidates sometimes ran for the hills after an interview. And then I had my answer- it was a poor experience with a hiring manager. These days, recruiting is a group effort. A hiring manager can’t simply opt out of the…

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Best Interviewing Practices

If writing job ads is an art, consider interviewing skills a style choice. Everybody has one, whether or not they realize it! Interviewers need to be able to compare candidates and process apples to apples. Even if your style choice is conversational, make sure every candidate interview covers the same areas of focus. To accurately…

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Critical Employee Loss Prevention

A recent article in The Kiplinger Letter points out that companies should be alert to losing critical employees in this current economy and that some savvy companies are already trying to pick off the cream of the crop. Additionally, when the job market improves, more workers will gratefully seize the opportunity to jump ship. Few…

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10 Great Interview Questions

“What DON’T you like to do and how do you get yourself to get it done?” The easiest attributes to gauge in an interview are capability and skill, but they may not be the most important. Eighty-seven percent of employees fail not because of capabilities but because of attitude or personality. “Tell me about your…

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